Chocolate Milkshakes

Allie Jane
Oct 23, 2020


I’d never made a milkshake before tonight, but I don’t know why not because I drink smoothies all the time. The milkshake was vanilla ice cream, milk, cocoa powder, and a scoop of peanut butter.

I don’t have a super high-powered blender so it wasn’t as smooth as it could have been but turned out pretty well. Creamy, rich and cold like a good glass of milk but amped up in texture and sweetness. I guess that’s what a milkshake should be but without that tooth-gritting sweetness of a commercial one.

Much to improve upon however. Perhaps adding a syrup or more cocoa?



Allie Jane

a small, felicitous life savored daily. a food lover who happens to write — a writer who happens to love food? we’ll see.